Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Solar Flares and Mass Hallucinations

A solar flare credited for global hallucination – is this from

No. In my book, Comet Dust, first published August 2016 (Amazon Kindle), this was purely an invention of mine. 

I figured when the Illumination of Conscience actually goes down, also referred to as The Warning, the secular world will desperately try to explain away the possibility that it came from Divine origins. Thus, the reason I needed an event large enough to affect the whole world; something science and the secular media could embrace. 

After brain-storming awhile, I decided the sun was big enough to take the blame. However, a question remained . . . can a solar flare cause hallucinations? 

From what I found in my research, the answer is probably not, so I kept digging for a natural source that might trigger hallucinations. This eventually led to the subject of Infransonic Sound. 

The term "infrasonic" applies to sound waves below the frequencies of audible sound, basically anything under 20 Hz. Sources of infrasound in nature include volcanoes, avalanches, earthquakes and meteorites.  And, the best part, according to a study done in 2008, exposure to levels above 80db between 0.5Hz and 10Hz causes vibrational movements within the ear’s functions, which are said to cause psychological changes such as fear, sorrow, depression, anxiety, nausea, chest pressure and hallucinations (ECRIP. 2008. Infrasound. Retrieved from infrasound). Other sources claimed that infrasonic waves can even cause deeply religious experiences. Eureka! I had my source.

The problem is that I was unable to find any mention of solar flares causing infrasonic waves in any scientific journals or articles. Nonetheless, in my novel the mainstream media, backed by the scientific community, proclaimed that a solar flare caused infrasonic waves, which resulted in massive religious hallucinations around the globe. After all, Comet Dust is fiction and making stuff up is the fun part of writing in this genre!

It was recently brought to my attention that another author of a new-ish work of non-fiction about the Illumination of Conscience, predicts the secular world will dismiss the event as a global hallucination caused by a solar flare. So I just want to be clear, up until a few years ago, there was no prophecy related to a solar flare getting the blame. I could be wrong, but as far as I'm aware, the idea first came from me, the author of Comet Dust. Therefore, I personally question the credibility of any seer who says God told them this. Although my novel is based on real prophecy, certain parts like the solar flare sprung from my imagination. In literature, this is referred to as poetic liberty.

However, truth sometimes follows fiction, (for example, the corona virus, and Eyes of Darkness by Dean Koontz), so who knows?

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